Empower Women, Strengthen Society

Who is Umulbanin Khavary?

Biography of Umulbanin Khavary


10/25/20241 min read

Umulbanin Khavary, born in 1991 in the historic province of Bamyan, Afghanistan, is a leading advocate for women’s rights and a prominent figure in the field of education. She completed her primary and secondary education at Marefat High School, where she began her human rights activities at a young age, focusing on the education of Afghan girls and women. While studying at the Faculty of English Language and Literature at Kabul University, she also taught literacy at Marefat High School, contributing significantly to the empowerment of women and girls.

After completing her bachelor’s degree, Ms. Khavary began teaching at the Omran Asak Teacher Training College. In 2019, she joined the NIMA Institute of Public Administration and Management as an English instructor and student affairs manager. That same year, driven by her passion for advocating women’s rights, she returned to Kabul University to pursue a master’s degree in Gender and Women’s Studies. During her master’s studies, she utilized her knowledge and experience to support Afghan women and girls and also volunteered as the head of the Gender Committee at the NIMA Institute.

In 2020, Ms. Khavary established the Mahdia Handicraft Workshop, providing employment opportunities for more than fifty Afghan women, thereby improving the livelihoods of many families. Following the fall of the Afghan government and the Taliban’s takeover in 2021, she courageously stood up against the oppression of the Taliban, defending the human rights of both women and men in Afghanistan.

With unwavering commitment to human rights and social justice, Ms. Khavary has consistently worked to improve the status of Afghan women and girls, serving as a powerful example of dedication and sacrifice for the betterment of Afghan society.